The Creator of DATCH

Hi, I'm Chance, the creator of DATCH! First off thank you for showing intrest in an idea that can change the way we view healthcare as we know it. I wanted to start off with the story of how I thought of DATCH. It really all started when I was a kid, at a young age I had several medical procedures throughout my childhood. As I got older, not only did I figure out just how confusing the medical system was, but also how inefficent it was as well. Many times each doctor had their own portal, their own system, and their own way of scheduling visits. This became very confusing as soon there were so many diffrent places I would have to look and keep track of, all complicating me getting medical treatment as efficent as possible. Not only that, many times we would call doctor offices to send a message to a doctor just for it to get lost in the chaos at the office and never reach the doctor. As soon as I turned 18 and was considered a legal adult in the medical field and responsible for my own appoitments, I knew this had to change and the idea behind DATCH and a simple take on healthcare was born.